2 gegen die Bank 90min. ARTE & ORF Enterprise - Maggy, taxi driver, has a lot of issues: a child in the hospital, another child on the way, a useless ex-husband, a constantly empty bank account and a crack in the windshield. But suddenly Maggy's money problems could be solved all in one push when Juliette Koons gets into her taxi with a heavy suitcase.
Directed by Clara Stern. Starring: Daniela Golpashin, Caroline Peters,
Murathan Muslu
, Barbara Gassner
, Johanna Orsini
, Ben Winkler, Marlene Hauser and many, many more..
Redaktion: ORF - Julia Sengstschmid ARTE - Claudia Tronnier / Produktion - Gebhardt Productions / Produzent/-in:Gregor Schmalix Florian Gebhardt Regie - Clara Stern / Drehbuch - Dominic Oley / Kamera -Thomas Dirnhofer / Tonmeister: Benedikt Palier, Jon Geirfinnsson / Szenenbild - Conrad Moritz Reinhardt, Johannes Weckl, Flo Hanatschek / Kostüme - Carola Pizzini / Maske - Nora Conradi / Aufnahmeleitung - Daniela Matschnig, Tom Schuler / Schnitt - Matthias Writze / Colorist - Lee Niederkofler